
Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is guided by a set of distinct principles. These concepts maintain the focus on personalized, natural support for the body, mind and spirit. Derived largely from Hippocratic philosophies outlined over two thousand years ago, their purpose is to safely improve patient wellness. While such sentiments are certainly not unique to the practice of naturopathic medicine, they nonetheless hold special significance to practitioners of natural health.

The six naturopathic principles listed below play a central role in every step of the journey towards healing. From education, motivation and guidance, to working alongside the body's inherent healing processes, they are a comprehensive guiding light. Just as no two people are the same, so, too, must every treatment plan be uniquely tailored to the needs, challenges and goals of the individual.

The Six Naturopathic Principles:

Primum non nocere
~ First do no harm ~

Above all, we must strive to support and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our patients, both physical and emotional.

Tolle causam
~ Identify and treat the fundamental cause of illness ~

As naturopathic doctors, we must not be satisfied with merely using our tools to mask underlying disease and suppress symptoms. Rather, we must determine why an individual presents with their specific complaints. Then, we must strive to address the issue directly wherever possible.

Vis medicatrix naturae
~ Co-operate with the healing power of nature ~

As NDs, the greatest instrument we have at our disposal is the body's own natural desire and ability to heal itself. Oftentimes, we must merely remove the "obstacles to cure", and allow the body to rid itself of illness. To learn more about treatment modalities offered by Dr. Boudreau, click here.

~Heal the whole person through individualized treatment~

It is hardly a revelation to acknowledge that we are all unique. As a result, we must avoid always treating a given condition the same way, disregarding the patient's individual characteristics, goals and limitations.

~ Doctor as teacher ~

It is not enough to simply instruct a patient to make a dietary or lifestyle change, or to take a recommended treatment "because I said so". Naturopathic doctors must give patients an understanding of their health concerns, as well as the rationale behind the recommended treatments. Thus, the patient will be engaged and motivated into achieving their health goals.

~ Promoting wellness through prevention, with a focus on healthy, balanced lifestyle choices ~

By far, the most successful treatment for any health condition is the avoidance of the condition in the first place. As such, it is just as important to educate the public in healthy lifestyle choices as it is the natural management of disease.

To book an appointment with Dr. Boudreau, click here.